Game development Projects Developing games, particularly where there’s no direct contractual significant titles, requires a huge relationship between the developer amount of capital. As part of and platform provider, the the process, publishers will fund specifications in the development development and recoup profits in a agreement often require the variety of different ways, from simple developer (and the game itself) to capped revenue share mechanisms comply with such platform terms. to more complex arrangements Given these aren’t always publicly involving security over assets, and freely available and the platform including the IP rights developed. provider generally reserves the right Compliance with the terms to change its terms at will, it can imposed by third parties be difficult for the game developer Some platform providers (ie console to ensure compliance. At the least, manufacturers and app stores) are though, current terms should be more prescriptive than others (for tracked down and requirements example, Apple’s terms are more factored into the development prescriptive than Google’s). Even of the game. 37