to a new console or platform, the as ensuring that local laws and process incurs minimal cost and regulations are complied with. effort on their part, while still resulting While this applies to regulations in a marketable and successful affecting in-game content such product. Developers, on the other as local gambling laws which can hand, will seek to retain control vary significantly, it also applies to over any transformative changes marketing and sales. Developers to the game that are necessary or and publishers will want to ensure requested by the publisher. that distributors comply with local Porting may impact the functionality, consumer and advertising laws when performance or overall experience conducting sales in local territories. lain the game and both Similarly, local cultural sensitivities publishers and developers will may need to be taken into account want to ensure control over these both in relation to in-game content impacts to maintain the quality and marketing materials. of the original game and prevent potential reputational damage. Marketing activities That said, a publisher may be less In addition to ensuring compliance concerned about minor or cosmetic when undertaking marketing changes, particularly where their activities, the parties to the implementation may get in the way distribution agreement should of porting the game in a timely and determine who is responsible for such cost-effective manner. activities, what marketing services Likewise, when releasing a game they are required to provide, the internationally and undertaking the level of control each party has, and process of localisation and local whether and how any approvals marketing, publishers and developers must be given. While a publisher will want to ensure that distributors may typically run general advertising adequately translate content into campaigns, the distributor will have relevant local languages, as well control over its sales platform and 46