Worker Itemised pay slip. How to identify and questions to National minimum wage. consider: Paid annual leave. Do they work to the terms of a Statutory minimum length of contract (expressed or implied) rest breaks. and does the contract accurately reflect the relationship? Right not to be discriminated against. Do they carry out the work personally rather than viewing Health and safety rights. you as a client or customer and Right not to be treated less operating as their own company? favourably if working part-time, Consider the degree of control but not entitled to statutory exercised over the individual redundancy pay, minimum notice (including supervision and periods, protection against unfair management) – the greater dismissal, paid parental leave, the control, the more likely you right to request flexible working are dealing with a worker (or and time off for emergencies. employee). Self-employed (contractor) Includes casual workers, agency workers, freelance workers, How to identify and questions seasonal workers and zero hours to consider: workers. Runs their own business and likely Rights for workers are to be contracted to provide a automatically rights for service that may be supplied employees. via a contract for services/ consultancy agreement. Key rights attached: Puts in bids or give quotes to Written statement of terms get work. of engagement. 54